Thursday, June 14, 2012

To Brawley And Beyond

When we arrived in Brawley, Cassie had plenty of steam and pressed onward to Blythe.  At the time station there, we had a crew change and my crew switched to #3 vehicle.

We began to move about 75 miles up the  course to our next crew change location and tried to find a motel and get some sleep.  Unfortunately, when we arrived at our new position, there was no nearby motel to be found.  We slept (or attempted to) sitting up in our seats.

When morning arrived, we began to wait for the arrival of Cassie and the support vehicles.  None were to be seen.  Cell phone service was spotty.  We decided that we had found the exact epicenter of nowhere.

Finally, we were able to receive a communication that she was having fits of vomiting and diarrhea.  It's hard to ride a bike like that.  We headed back down the route and caught up with them.  Cassie was a mess.  All vital signs, however were good and after some extra rest time, she announced that she was ready to continue.  An hour later, she vomited again.  She was just plain miserable.

Another costly rest and she had another go at it with the same results.  This time, we made her rest for three hours.  It was a good decision.  This time she was able to kick back into a good rhythm  and we made a crew change halfway between Parker and Salome for her next leg of the race.

She breezed through Salome and continued to Congress, where she took a short nap while the next crew change took place.  The desert flora actually takes on a certain beauty at night.
We were now in #3 vehicle again and so headed to Prescott to find a motel and get a longed-for shower and a real pillow.  Now we just need to see Cassie in Prescott in the morning.

Next up:  Cassie's Battle To Prescott.


  1. Hang in there Cassie...we are pulling for you!!!

  2. Hang in there Cassie!!!!!!! You can do it!!!!!!
