Sunday, June 10, 2012

Packing It All In

There's stuff.  There''s lots of stuff.  There's two weeks' worth of luggage for eight people that has to fit somewhere.  And that's just for starters.  The photo above is the inside of van #1.  It's Cassie's immediate direct support vehicle.

There's voltage inverters, coolers, PA and sound systems, tools, spare bike parts, bandages, vitamins, energy drinks, markers, and even socks that we're not going to wear.  We'll put ice in them, seal the ends with string, and drape them around Cassie's neck to help keep her cool while she's riding through the desert.

The crazy part is that we're not even done.  We still need to load up on groceries and other assorted sundries for the first leg of the race.

On the plus side, our entire team is now assembled and we are beginning to feel each other out.  We've come from all over the country, including Mike, a North Carolinian who answered a Facebook plea for an extra body.

I think that we're all going to work well together.  Kat has been the mainstay, as we pretty much figured she would be.  Cassie has been beaming all day.  Her greatest desire is about to come true!  She was just beaming up a storm earlier and we are getting closer and closer.

We checked in at race headquarters today and received our packets.  Lots of stuff had to be placed on the three support vehicles.  Tomorrow we have to take them all down to headquarters for inspection.  All the signage has to meet specifications and all the safety equipment has to be in place and functioning.

It took the rest of the afternoon to put twenty-four mandated signs on the vehicles and we still have to get our sponsors on them tomorrow sometime.  Breakfast and meeting in the morning followed by inspection and crew briefing at headquarters.  Lots to do with little time until Cassie begins the race.

The excitement is building.  Tuesday can't come soon enough.

Next up:  The final preparations.

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