Friday, June 15, 2012

Journey To Prescott

We woke up after a scant few hours' sleep to discover the Cassie was still working her way in.

The struggles through the desert had taken their toll and left Cassie tired and vulnerable.  The route took Cassie on a mountain road complete with bodacious climbs and descents with sharp hairpin turns and "S" curves.

She had broken down several times along the way and there were instances of her walking her bike along the road, unable to pedal anymore.

By the time she arrived at the rendezvous point for crew change, she was in a funk and wanted to rest.  We let her rest but as she approached the maximum limit, she still wasn't ready to go and we had to call race HQ to advise them of the situation.

She finally pulled herself together and we began to move forward at a good pace.  That lasted until the next mountain.  Lots of switchbacks and steep grades.

During one of Cassie's stops, we met two men who were cycling from the opposite direction.  They were from the Tampa area and were cycling to Alaska!  We topped off their water and bade them a safe farewell.

After the descent, we were back into oppressive heat.  The route to Sedona was a sheer struggle with Cassie needing cooling multiple times.  As we approached, however, she perked up and we pushed on to Flagstaff and then Tuba City.

She needs to get to Durango in time to keep on the journey.

If she doesn't, we go home.

Next up:  The Push To Durango

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