The Race Across America starts on June 11th.
I'm Cassie's crew chief this year. It occurred to me yesterday that once the race starts, all I have to worry about is keeping the crew focused. They'll be given their jobs and responsibilities beforehand. They are all dedicated and committed to Cassie's quest and her desire to raise awareness of veterans' issues. They are the ones who will make her cross the finish line. They just have to be taught how.
We have most of the vehicles lined up and have arranged for a three day house rental in Oceanside before the race. The lodging is really critical because it is where our crew members will assemble. Having them all in one place and spending time together will help them bond as we join together for a common cause.
The house will also serve as a school for the crew. We have a combination of RAAM veterans along with some newbies. Everyone will need to be put on the same page. That will be easy for the newbies. My concern is getting the veterans to keep an open mind and not let past experience discriminate.
The race itself is frightfully expensive. I've been putting out feelers to a variety of companies whose sponsorship could well benefit from being associated with Cassie's effort. We need buckets of money just to feed and house the crew as well as pay for the vehicles themselves and their associated expenses.
Cassie herself is getting ready physically and mentally. I worry that she spends too much time agonizing over things that shouldn't be her concern. All she needs to concentrate on is getting herself ready.
Having won the Sebring 24 Hour last month, she's well on her way.