The die is cast!
Lots to do with little time.
First things first, though. Cassie's brainchild, Pedal For Heroes, received IRS 501(C)(3) charity status several months ago. Last week, the first bicycle was delivered to a veteran! Bicycles are more that a means of transportation, they are also a valuable form of therapy. We fully intend it to be the first of many!
Next up on our dance card is the second annual Pedal For Heroes event. If your fitness center is not on board, tell them to get on the stick or, in this case, on the seat! The idea in Ohio is to spin (stationary bike) one minute for each Ohioan lost in the Middle East since 9/11. Not in Ohio, pick your own poison. Cassie's goal, which I fully support, is to turn Pedal For Heroes into a national institution, helping vets throughout this great country of ours.
Some fitness centers don't have enough cycles. They've learned that other forms of exercise will do as well. Last year we had folks swimming, on rowing machines, jogging, etc. Just figure how much you want to give per minute and go for it!
If you're not up to riding or otherwise exercising your brains out, you can still make a tax deductible contribution to her quest. We not only need support for the annual event, but Cassie also needs to raise a very large bucket of bucks just to take part in the Race Across America. It costs a lot to cross the country to raise awareness of veterans' needs.
She'll make it all the way across this June. I know. I've got her back.